Sunday, 30 June 2013

First supper on the Veranda!

 Steak, potatoes off the BBQ and a tossed salad.
 Oh yes, we can't forget about the good old mac and cheese for the kids!
She is such a goofball!

Have a safe and fun Canada Day tomorrow! We have family out for the week from Alberta! Can hardly wait to make lots of fun-filled memories this week :)


Saturday, 29 June 2013

Happy 1st Birthday Miss Ali!

 Our baby girl turned 1 on Thursday!!! How fast a year goes by. We had cake and coffee that night to celebrate with some family and next week we are having a big party for her when her cousins are out!! She is so different from her brother in every way! She is a very busy little girl. Tanner was always content to watch the world go by, with Ali that's not the case. She has to help the world turn! lol.

 My cake was not very messy! She still enjoyed eating it with her hands!

I laid a cardboard 1 on the cake and then poured sprinkles over top. Didn't work like I thought it would. Still was very tasty.
Siblings!!! So cute.

We finally have our internet hooked up so I should be more fluent with my posts!
Have a great long weekend!

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Happy belated 3rd birthday Tanner!

Look at me go! First I say that posts will be minimal and now I'm on post two for the day! Lol. I had to include Tanners birthday. It was on Sunday and he turned three! We moved into the house Saturday and had a great party in it Sunday! I can't believe he is three already! I will try and post some more pictures later. (of his party)


Well we made it! We are moved! And this what happened yesterday ha ha. Ali fell asleep in her high chair at supper time. Pretty cute. And just so you guys know, I dint the internet in the house till who knows when. It's still hooked in the trailer so from the veranda my phone reaches the WiFi. So posts will be minimal till then!

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Staining stairs

I seen this somewhere else and decided to try it. I'm not sure that it's turning out exactly like I planned. Will have to do some varnish yet. And we are going to do the ones going down into the basement as well. If we decide we don't like it then we have lots of flooring left to cover them up. I also meant to take a before and then an after picture and I forgot. So we have the basement stairs to stain yet and our two front doors (insert grumble) to do yet. I told my Hubby last night that I am never in my lifetime building another house! Once is good enough.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Floor of deck completed!

It's ready for coffee and brewskies! (Still have a railing to do yet)

Monday, 3 June 2013

Turning back the wheels of time

Cole, Crusty, Pearl and Blaze together pulling the one of the drills. Roy and my Father-in-law at the wheel.

Ray with his 'new' team an another drill.

These two should not be driving together!!!! T-r-o-u-b-l-e!

Taking it all in!

Filling the drill with seed.

The Tanman went for a ride.
The third drill with three hitched.
Checking to make sure they were not empty yet...they already ran empty earlier and didn't know how long they had been going with no seed lol.....

I love this stuff, I am going to encourage my Hubby and kids to stayed involved with this stuff. I would hate to see it disappear! When we were all down we wrapped up with a potluck supper. Mmmm good.

Have a great night!