1. Lately my little boy is calling me 'Momma'. He has never called me that, usually just 'Mommy'. I don't know why the sudden change but I love it! ...except when he thinks he has to start every. single. sentence. with it all day long. Not sure if thinks it's cool or something? Ha.
2. It is amazing how uplifting sunshine can be. I'm dreading winter mostly for the cloudy, dreary days.
3. I'm really looking forward to getting away for a week soon! It means coffeeing (that is a word on my vocabulary fyi) all day long with my sister-in-law, cousins playing together all day long and me getting to raz the heck out of my brother-in-law!
4. I have an idea for a big blog post that I feel very strongly about, stay tuned.
5. I really want to pack two shoe boxes for kids less fortunate this year. This is something I'd like to make a Christmas tradition.