Saturday, 20 October 2012

And the house is now going up!

 This is what it looked like when we started today.
 My father-in-law still learning how to drive the bobcat. It almost bucked him out several times. I think he needed some TP in there.
 My Dad and Uncle Chuck.
 Two rows up.
 My Dad and Mother-in-law passing blocks down into the basement.
 Father-in-law coming in with another bucket of rock.
 Coffee time!

 Late afternoon.
 Our neighbors even came down and helped awhile.

 Little helper ha ha.
And this is what was accomplished by the end of the day! Does not take long to put the blocks once you have a crew together. They go together like legos. We ended the day with a very delicious supper made by myself ;) Sweet and sour meatballs, rice, and salad. Oh and throw in a few wobbly pops he he.

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. Not going to lie..i read Wobbly pops and had to think a I wish Steve could have been around to come and lend a hand. I hope Corey will text him when he needs help later on again.
