Friday, 31 July 2015

Flashback Friday

**sob** My baby boy was just over a year here...and this fall he heads to Kindergarten!

Have a great long weekend!!

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Almost wordless Wednesday

 Storm was coming in from the West and this cloud was all by it's lonesome to the Angel maybe?
Took this a couple nights ago...looks like a piece of heaven shining down.


Monday, 20 July 2015

Our annual Zoo trip.

 Last week we made our annual trip to the Zoo. It was even better than last year. I think it's worth every penny.
 The polar bears were so awesome!
 Second time for Whit at the Zoo...first time was in my tummy :)

 All the Grandkids.

This picture makes me giggle. There was a comment about 'fuzzy nuts' made, something about a whole new meaning LOL. I love my sense of humor.

It was a great trip!

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Checking on some of our girls and making hay!

 We've lots of rain this year and it shows! Lots of grass in this pasture. We could have more cows in here actually but we have more pasture than we do cows to put in it this year. Next year it will be different.
 They are doing good, so far no pink eye showing up.

 Miss Alaska, one of our purebred black Simmental cows.

 We have four foals this year, three fillies and one stud colt. I just love them, gangly legs and all!
 Second cut coming back nicely. In the distance you can see the marshmallow bales. Or silage bales, whatever tickles your fancy ;)
 Hay drying, soon to be baled.
Checking out the crop in a very fancy ride! With a hay rack and a team of horses. Thank God for this country life!! We are baling hay as I type, our last field to be exact.

Have a great day!

Friday, 17 July 2015

Half a Year Already!?

I cannot believe she is six months old already!!! It has gone by so incredibly fast. I feel like before I know it we will have another Christmas behind us, snow on our boots and her birthday will be looming in our faces!!!
 First taste of rice cereal. Don't you just LOVE the bib???? I do!
 Hamming it up with Great Grandma!
 Too hot for clothes ;)

 Sitting with her oldest cousin! (Whit is the youngest and B is the oldest.)
Snoozing on the wagon ride.

She loves swimming.
She's a smiley, happy girl.
Sleeps all night.
Likes to be rocked to sleep.
Doesn't really care for her suckie, only uses it to go to sleep.
She in size 18-24 month clothes.
Loves her exersaucer.
She will roll from her tummy to her back but not from her back to her tummy.
She is very sensitive. Any loud voices or noises and she will start to cry. Especially more sensitive in the evening close to bedtime. Gets very overwhelmed when she has strange faces all around her. 

We love her so much and can't wait to see the rest of her personality unfold. We're just hoping she's not quite the tornado her sister is! (But if she is, we'll still love her just the same LOL.)

Have a great day!

Friday, 3 July 2015


We tried a new way of making hay today! Ali thinks they look just like parshpellows. LOL. This hay field had so many weeds and wild oats in it we just didn't think it would dry down enough to bale. SO instead we bale it at about 50% moisture instead of 15% (which is considered dry for hay). Come winter we will open up the bags and take as we need to feed the cows. They will basically be silage bales. Makes great feed.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Waist High by July 1st

This year we actually get to say that our corn is waist high by July 1st!! Knee high is usually what we hope for...hopefully it continues to exceed it's expectations right through till harvest ;) That's not too much to ask for is it????

Happy Canada Day!!
