Sunday, 18 September 2016

My favorite season of all.

While everyone else is longing for summer to stay, I'm longing for the cold nights that make me add another blanket. I long for the cold mornings that make me put on wool socks and my slippers. With the cooler weather means seeing my farmer a little bit more and our kids slowly begin to believe that he really does sleep at home every night! Lol. I love fall and everything it brings.




Leaves falling.

Cows come home.

Silage goes into a pile.


Chili and buns.


Life slows down. A bit.





Did I mention family?

A few days ago I seen a phrase/quote on Facebook and it has just stuck with me like crazy. It hit home with me:

Nowadays people run, run, run! Me included. Or I think I'm running too much sometimes. We limit how many extra things we put our kids in. Time spent at home is so much more important. There are things our kids see and learn on the farm that NO extracurricular activity can teach. We have SO much to be Thankful for here at home.

We are so blessed. Take for example, last night we had a family bonfire at the cabin which is across the road in the bush from us. It does not get any better than that!!!! Our kids ran till they were exhausted with their cousins. Their cousins are their first best friends of life. They are making precious memories playing in the bush, playing hide and seek, looking for deer and going on by-side rides with their Grandpa. You can't make this stuff up people. It's REAL. And  all it cost us was hotdogs and chips!

The work we do keeps us busy and yes, it does pull us away from home here and there. The cows will come home, lots of times with the help of neighbors, who happen to be family to us. Combining, baling, checking pastures, bringing cows home, selling calves, preg checking - just a few of the things that we will do this fall that brings us together as a family. We have had many, many meals together this time of year around tables, on tailgates and in the field or on the road. Just so much to be Thankful for!

Now here a few pictures to show you what my farmer and I are so Thankful for. Our family.

Cheers! Hope it's not months before I get the urge to post again!


Friday, 1 July 2016

The days go by so fast!

Life is a blur right now. Feed kids, change kids, clean kids, sleep, repeat. Oh right, feed chickens (and now ducks), laundry, dishes, run farm errands, make and run lunches and coffee, and in and on. 

Here are some pictures to show you what we've been up to.

Friday, 27 May 2016

Crazy Chicken Lady

Almost two months ago I bought my first bunch of laying hens. 15 white leghorns and 1 little bantam. I never imagined the kids and I would enjoy them as much as we are! And then a couple weeks ago I went to get 1 rooster.... And came home with three!! Ha ha. So I guess that classifies me as a crazy chicken lady. 

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Where did that year go?!

I'm am so very behind on posting here....I've been meaning to post about our baby girls 1st birthday and it just hasn't happened!

It is just amazing how kids all have such different personalities. And the closer and closer they get to their first birthday, it really starts to shine through! I believe we have another saucy, bossy farm girl on our hands. I'm not sure if we can handle two of them!! LOL.

She has spent countless hours in her stroller in the barn, either sleeping or patiently watching and waiting till Mommy is done doing chores.

 In the barn here.

She loves riding on the side by side (just around the yard).

She loves her Daddy!! Such a Daddy's girl, gets very upset when he has to leave the house in the morning. And the second he is back in the house, she is in his arms giving kisses.

Well before her first birthday she was giving kisses, open mouthed kisses. Now she puckers her lips and does the whole sound effect and everything! So cute.

She mostly still just crawls everywhere. She can walk but still chooses to crawl.

She LOVES our blue rocker recliner chair. If you leave the footrest out she climbs right up and sits down - or not! Such a little daredevil! One day I heard screaming and I looked and all I saw was two feet sticking out between the chair and the wall. She has fallen off it many times already.

She loves to sit and stand on the little table and chairs that the kids have. I've had to set the chairs in the porch many times so she wouldn't fall and hurt herself.

She is an animal lover. Trooper, our Jack Russell, sleeps on the couch and she snuggles (and sits on him, and bites him, and hits him and pulls on his tail lol) him every chance she gets. He is very patient with her.

She is slowly getting more hair....Ali had more hair at this point in her life.

She weighs close to 30 pounds.

Also loves her Grandpa Nelson. But which grandchild doesn't?

I pretty much rocked her to sleep till her first birthday and then she just wouldn't rock with me anymore, she goes in her crib and puts herself to sleep now.

She slept through the night till about 7 months old, when she started getting teeth. Then she would get up to nurse 1-2 times a night. Right around her first birthday she started sleeping through the entire night again which is SWEET!!!! ha ha. Her older sister still doesn't sleep though the night! She basically has one nap a day.

She is not very picky about her food - loves food BUT is very picky about how she eats. She doesn't really like help, she wants to do it all herself. So right now I try to give her food that she doesn't really need help with. Independent little fart.

I nursed her till about 2 weeks past her first birthday. Bittersweet.

 This is Easter...She is wearing her sister's running shoes. She is obsessed with putting on shoes/slippers and jackets/sweaters!

I wrote this quite a few weeks ago.....She has been walking for a month plus now, has QUITE the temper, loves being outside. She can say Mum, Dad, Cheese (pictures) and Ooooo (Moooo). She has been cutting her second molar so she's been pretty crabby. She is such a loveable girl. Her siblings adore her, especially Tanner. Ali does too...She just has a not so lovable way of showing it.

 They change so much in one year!

Have a great night!