Thursday, 28 August 2014

The last couple of days in pictures...

 My little gardener. He just LOVES helping me in the garden and I appreciate it so much.

 These absolutely love their Papa! At Christmas there could potentially be 7 grandchildren to fit on his knees!

 Headed out last night to open up a canola field.
 Baling some very mediocre hay that was out in that rain we had for a week plus.

 My little crop scout.

 Waiting for Daddy to be done swathing to give him a ride home.
 Moving bins today.
 Cousins that are almost like brothers they fight so much! lol.
I made bath paint for the kids tonight...they loved it. Sonya, it was kinda close to the flour in the pan with tractors activity :s

Good Night!

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Perogy & Farmer Sausage Casserole (Crockpot)

Up on the Country Cookin' page this afternoon is the recipe for the perogy casserole I mentioned in my earlier post. Delicious!!


Rain, Rain, Your finally gone away!

This is what our horizon to the west looked like a week ago Sunday evening. Since then we have had somewhere between 6-7 inches of rain. Of course, we were right in the middle of combining our winter wheat and we had just cut about 75 acres of 2nd cut alfalfa the day before. Corey went to check out the crops last had finally stopped raining. That storm absolutely flattened our canola and oats. It also damaged some of our Sunflowers. That alfalfa, there are swaths sitting in water. That is we don't even have really warm weather now or a nice breeze to take up the water. So more than likely we won't be baling it.

In between all this rain, I have been wanting to blog...but what to blog about when everyone is in such a blah mood? I have been in the cooking/baking mood lately which is good because I drive myself nuts when I'm staring at the clock at 5 pm. hoping someone will come trotting in the door with a huge pizza. Simply because they are doing a good deed for the day! How come that never happens lol??? Anyways, yesterday I made a perogy and farmer sausage casserole in the slow cooker and it was delicious! I make a similar one in the oven but this was better. I will be making it again. Then this morning as the hubby is leaving for work he informs me that we have no bread left...I rarely let us run out of bread. This is an issue!! I also have wanted to find a fail proof bread recipe that slices nicely for toast and sandwiches. So - I used this as an opportunity to try yet another recipe. Soft Whole Wheat Bread. This was pretty simple and easy to make and I think it might be a keeper. We'll see how the hubby likes it. It's actually a whole wheat recipe but I'm out of ww flour so I just made them white.

Really hoping to get back to the field this weekend.......fingers crossed.

Have  a great day!

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Combining, donuts and cinnamon buns

 Our little Ali is at the point now that whenever her brother heads out the door with Dad, she has to go too...except that is almost impossible. She is too young to be following Dad while he's busy in the field or working in the yard. So today when she was having a meltdown I promised her she could go inside and paint...well she was all over that! She was very excited to do that. I always feel guilty because I let her brother do stuff like this all the time even when he was younger than she is now...the story of the middle
 And this morning I was craving a fresh homemade donut. So what does the pregnant lady do? Make donuts. I really have to curb my spontaneous cravings of food that I can actually make myself...because making donuts is not just a one hour episode!! It's an all afternoon affair. And then in between, I made cinnamon buns, laundry and made lunch for the guys. So by 5 pm. I was pooped. Which is the norm lately. But. I must say the fresh glazed donuts were soooooooooooooooo worth it ;)

 Plus a bonus! My little sister came out and helped me make them! We had a nice little visit.

 Me at 20 weeks preggo................
 Ali and I were waiting for Daddy to come around the field with the combine so we had some fun with the camera. We have the cutest little girl!!
 We found a pretty little Monarch sitting in the weeds. Ali loved it.
 Checked out our Sunnies across the road while we were waiting. I love them! I will NEVER forget that on our wedding day there was a field blooming at their peak right beside the place where we had our reception. Someone mentioned going and getting a picture while we were waiting to make our entrance. I said no, that we didn't have time. I will always REGRET that. Sigh.. So on our way to South Dakota for our honeymoon wouldn't you know we also seen lots of beautiful sunflower fields. We even stopped and took a picture in one. But it obviously did not erase my regret!!
 This is her 'Cheese!" lol. Hilarious.
 Combining the winter wheat.
 Just look at that little pigtail, she's adorable!
 I have always meant to take this picture right here and finally this year I did it. I just never took the time before.

Ali and I went for a round with the boys before we went and prepared Subway ;)

Have a great night!

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Let 2014 Harvest begin!

 We started swathing our winter wheat last night, I took this picture from the that is weeds and ditch grass, not the field lol.
 I just love color and smell of a ripe field.

 Checking out one of our oat fields that is right beside the wheat. They look great!
 Ali and I. I took this picture and when I looked at it I thought it looked crappy but then on the computer it actually looks kind of neat.
 First pass around the field.

 We went for a round with Daddy.
 Loves to ride with Dad.
Mr. Man stayed with Daddy all evening while Ali and I went to sweep grass off the lawn....a never-ending chore it seems.

Now if the rain stays away for awhile...we should be combining before long!

Have a great day!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Happy 6th Anniversary to us!

 Yesterday was our 6th wedding anniversary. Here we are pictured six years ago. Six years go by really fast!
And here we are now...2 kids with another on the way, farming and raising our kids side by side :) Anniversaries are pretty special to me. There seems to be more and more couples who throw away their marriage all the time. So I'm pretty proud every year ours comes around again.

Here's to many more healthy and happy years!


Thursday, 7 August 2014

August Long Weekend

 I'm back! I'm back!! After about a month of no internet, it's finally fixed. I tried to do a couple phone posts in that time but our service just sucks big time. This past weekend we went to Treherne campground with friends. It was a great weekend filled lots of food, laughs, bonfires, swimming and much more. We were home by about lunch time on Monday and the work was sitting here waiting for us! We went right to raking and baling hay. Finishing the day with some crop scouting.
 Ali was terrified of the water to start with and by the time it was time to go she was mad she had to get out.

 They have a beautiful playground.

 Margarita-ville time! And seeing as the majority of us were either pregnant or small children, the were alcohol free.

 Our campsite.
 Our winter wheat. It will be swathed in a couple days time, it's not far from combining!! I'm so excited! I love love love harvest time.
And checking out the canola............happy to see the flowers still hanging on., the longer the better!!

Glad to be back!