Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Look who's three?!

 So hard to believe our first baby girl is three years old! We started the day off right with a birthday present. Her reaction to getting cowboy boots was awesome!! Ever since her brother got boots for his birthday she's been talking about how she's getting her own pair for her own birthday LOL.

 She gets her good looks from her Momma.
 We had cake and coffee after supper for her. I made a cupcake horsey 'Blossom' cake. It turned out not too bad.

Me and my first baby girl. I made someone take a picture of her and I, somehow Mom's are never in the pictures........I'm trying to change that.

She still wakes up every night and comes to our bed. Goes to bed and sleeps with her brother right now.

Loves her grandpa's. Definitely a Grandpa girl.

Loves her pony Blossom.

Love Kraft Dinner and hotdogs. (but won't eat pasta with white sauce or alfredo sauce....weird)

Loves bath time.

Loves swimming.

Doesn't really play with anything in particular. She has no favorite toys. Rarely plays with babies. If she does, it's usually her cabbage patch doll. Plays kitchen and farms with her brother. Loves jewelry, dress-up and painting her nails.

Loves loves loves her blankie, has to go to bed with her every night.

Hates having her hair brushed. Never lets us put clips or ponytails in it. I'm sure people think we never comb her hair...

Loves to press the buttons on washing machine.

Never quits moving or talking or asking questions. We like to call her our 'Threenager'. The house seems extremely and strangely quiet when she is sleeping.

Doesn't nap anymore but will fall asleep on the couch or in vehicle if she's had a few late nights or particular busy days.

Love her to bits and even though she drives me insane most days, we wouldn't change her for the world!

Love you sweetheart.

Love Mommy

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

5 years & 5 months

 Last week one day our oldest, our son Tanner turned five whole years old! And on the same day our youngest daughter turned five months old!! So crazy how the time flies. Didn't I just give birth our first child???!!! Anyways, Grandpa took the kids and I on a wagon ride that day, the kids were excited, finally a wagon ride. They were so excited to help Grandpa drive the horses. Nice little treat.

 Whitley was on the wagon too, sleeping in her seat.
 Tanner excited about his new cowboy boots...he has been wearing them everywhere since, with shorts and all ;)
 Five months old!!!!!! Such a happy little girl. She's over 20 pounds, healthy and happy! Smiley too. She pretty sleeps all night every night. 9 pm - 6:30/7 am. The odd night she might wake up to eat once and goes right back to sleep. She spoils us rotten.
 She loves her cowie cow. (her brother named the cow lol)

 He requested a combine cake. With a bucket tractor and grain cart......this is what Mommy came up with. And just as we're ready to light the candles and sing Happy Birthday, someone pointed out that I had six candles on the cake! He was turning five!! NOT six. Sheesh. I have as lot of mommy brain lately it's scary.
 He was very excited about his gifts. More to add to his farming collection and some nice games.

 Note: There are now five candles on the cake! LOL.
Spent most of the birthday party on the deck, the mosquitoes got bad around 9-10 pm.

Happy Tuesday!

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


 I'm back!! I know I have not posted in forever!!! I don't know how many times I sat at the computer with full intentions of posting and I get interrupted and now all of a sudden it's 5 weeks since I posted!! Crazy. We have been sooooooo busy. Getting the crop in, cows out to pasture and out with the bulls, birthdays, baseball and everything in between! Here is most of the last five weeks in pictures.
 Grandpa's birthday! He here is with his grandchildren minus the two out west. We had a bonfire with hotdogs and s'mores and then this delicious cake Grandma made.

 Processing the cows and calves to go out with the bulls.
 It was nice outside so I managed to help the whole time with all three kids in tow.
 We have great immune systems around here :)
 All the mamas looking for their babies.
 Calves turn to go through!
 Almost four months old here!
 My loves.
 We went to the Wellness Fair a couple weeks ago and this was Tanner's first ride on a school bus.
 Ali enjoyed the stations as well.

 Grandpa and his girls.

 Starting to love her exersaucer.
 My birthday flowers.

 We have three baby foals this spring, here are two of them.

 Planting canola here. We started seeding a month earlier than last year.
 My Mother's Day gift from my boy! I'm glad I took a picture....it doesn't look like that anymore.
 Four months old!

 His first year of baseball.

Sorry for the long post! I'll try to get on here sooner from now on.
