Entrance - just finished pouring cement.
And the troweling begins...
Basement - That's my Uncle on that trowel.
Our temporary furnace hanging from the ceiling keeping it warm.
I have been getting so sick and tired of Tanner asking to watch cartoons. I know I am guilty of letting him watch too much and I do not like it. So today we finally sat down and did a craft. He loves doing crafts. I did one with him. I joined in the fun and made my own as well. (the colorful one) I let him pick the eyeballs and antennas. Miss Ali turned 8 months old today!! Sheesh, that's really all that needs to be said. Well I might as well add that time just goes way too fast. I love this munchkin so much. She is such a happy girl!
Anywho, Have a great evening!